17th January 2022
I had a twinge of anxiety when I woke up this morning. I had planned to swim at sunrise, but the weather forecast app on my phone told me it was 1ºC outside, and that caused me to feel this way, but it might have been excitement. The two emotions do have a similar effect on me. I have swum in these conditions only a few days before, so why did I feel this way?
There are some days that clearly stand out as a good swimming day. If the winds are forecast to be light and a high tide coincides with the time that you plan to swim, then the air temperature is not important, providing you have warm clothes to put on afterwards. The length of time you swim for is important though, and at around 8ºC my 10 minutes in the sea was long enough.
I did not feel the cold as I had done on Friday evening. The sight of the sun rising seemed to be so dominant over my other senses, that I just found the experience calming and incredibly uplifting. A perfect start to my week.