I have always loved swimming, but until the Covid Pandemic struck I swam mostly in warm indoor pools. I learnt to swim in the sea as a child and was awarded £1 when I managed to stay afloat without armbands. My Junior school, Holy Trinity in Weymouth, had a pool and swimming was my favourite lesson.
In June 2021 I fell in love with sea swimming again. I realised the benefits were plentiful as the activity was mostly free and accessible to me living in Dorset. I found that my skin became softer, my joint pain was relieved and my dreaded hot flushes were alleviated.
Through the summer of 2021, I became addicted to getting into the water as much as possible. No longer did my swimming costumes disintegrate in the chlorine so I treated myself to some new bright swimwear. My family gave me swimming gifts for my birthday, including a purple changing robe and a fluorescent green tow float. I began to crave immersion in water and was soon swimming at every opportunity, in both sea and river locations in Dorset. I took a week’s holiday with my husband to Suffolk and Norfolk in August and a long weekend to Cornwall, Both provided me with opportunities to swim wild.
I have continued swimming regularly through the autumn, and am hoping to swim all year round. I am writing a blog in order to share my swim fun, my pictures and my thoughts about the benefits of wild swimming.