Calm and Sparkly

11th February 2022

Both my swim days this week were calm and sunny! The weather forecast did not predict much sunshine midweek, but there was plenty in Weymouth.

The sea was calm and sparkly and very inviting to a wild swimmer like me. I was so mesmerised by it that I forgot to put on my swim gloves. I was in up to my waist before I realised. I went back to the shore to get them and I could feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. I did think about not going back for them, but I think that my fingers may have been too cold. I do find that neoprene gloves and socks are essential kit for winter swimming in the sea.

I always enjoy a hot drink after my swim!

1 thought on “Calm and Sparkly

  1. Judie Seymour says:

    Good to hear from you Sandy, we thought you had been washed away.
    Lovely pictures, even the one of your flask.
    Judie & Gaham xx

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