Lipstick Sunday

9th January 2021

Lipstick Sunday

I haven’t worn lipstick very much since having to wear a facemask in public places, but this morning I decided to put some on. It got noticed too, as an elderly gentleman who was out for a walk with a friend, stopped and asked me if I was going into the sea. When I replied yes, he said,

you will have to put that lipstick back on when you come out!

I said he had made my day for noticing, and he smiled, and I smiled back. I miss these simple light-hearted exchanges of communication, that are hidden behind the masks. Something you don’t have to worry about outdoors in the sea though!

I had a lovely 10-minute swim, and my Mum was out for a walk with her friends, so she came to say hello too.

On the topic of lipstick, I have a friend who is a freelance makeup artist in Dorset. She works both in the film industry and with individual clients who require special event looks.

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